Phase 1: Infrastructure, Open space & Sanctuary
Fundraising Goal: $2M for Phase 1
Campaign receipt is $659,420 *as of 1/12/25
Total Pledge amount is $887,990 *as of 1/12/25
Phase 1 occurs 2024 – 2026
$4M ($2M Newsong, $2M Scholarship Prep)
Includes the following, in order of priority:
HVAC and Electrical, Restrooms/Facilities, Outdoor Space, and Roof Repair.
When do we start the contribution for my pledge?
We’d love for you to start asap. You can start here at ‘www.my.newsong.net’.
I would like to make changes in my pledge - who do I contact for the change?
We understand your circumstance may change. Please email us at give@newsong.net with any changes, whether it is to increase or decrease your pledge amount. We will make the changes accordingly.
What is the date range of this campaign?
March 2024 to March 2027.
Where can I see the updates and progress of the campaign?
Please visit our Our Home campaign page on www.newsong.com/OurHome.