Third Way Dinner
August 6
5:30 pm
Newsong Church
At Newsong, we endeavor to love, accept, and include every person who comes with a sincere desire to cultivate a love relationship with Jesus Christ.
We recognize there are significant matters regarding which not all Christ followers agree. Rather than run from this, we choose to press into meaningful, even difficult, conversations with others. Our purpose is not necessarily to come into lockstep agreement with one another. Instead, the goal is the dialogue itself, doing the hard work of love.
Life together happens around the dinner table. Family members are not first required to agree on all issues before sitting at the same table to eat together and enjoy each other’s fellowship. Third Way Dinners are an opportunity to experience what that looks like in practice.
At this table, we want to hear each other’s stories, honor all voices, and ask grace from each other should we misstep along our journey of learning and understanding.